My cat is not very good at JavaScript (also at many other things), so today I will try to explain this keyword to him to help in his future career.
The main rule is: you don't need to remember this as long as console.log(this) exists. So you can go back to your sleep, cat. But, if cat's curiosity got better of you, you may read a bit more.
The first thing you need to know: in functions, this refers to a thing, or a calamity which executed the function. For functions described with a function keyword we are summoning a massive Global Object which executes the function in our name. For our browser, this object is called Window, so this refers to it. We can pretend we're executing the function this way:
function petTheCat() {
console.log(this); // Window
window.petTheCat(); // equals to petTheCat();
However, in strict mode (
"use strict";
) in this case this will remain undefined ๐ฟ
The same logic applies to objects. When calling an object method, we bow the object to our will, forcing it do the execution. So, this refers to the object itself. In these examples we can say that this is what's on the left side of the dot symbol.
const catObject = {
takeThis() {
return this; // { catObject }
One of the cases where this doesn't behave is using bind(), call() and apply() methods. Those three were specifically cast by JavaScript blacksmiths for this. They are designed to point at something to execute a function on (create a new function in case of bind()), this is their first argument, and it can be literally anything, even this itself ๐จ, name);
feedCat.bind(myCat, 'no-arguments');
Another curious case would be using an event listener. In this case a browser decides what's best for us by referring this to a target of event (for example, to a button which we clicked).
cat.addEventListener('pet', purrFunction);
function purrFunction() {
console.log(this); // cat
At last, when we create a brand new object using a constructor or constructor function (with a new keyword), this inside the constructor would refer to a shiny new object we're creating.
class SuperCat {
constructor(superPower) {
this.superPower = superPower;
The last important thing to know is using this with arrow functions. And the best thing is that arrow functions couldn't care less about this! Practically, it means they are totally ignoring it (and maybe hoping this will go away), so the context of this right outside the arrow function stays the same inside it. This behavior can be useful with constructors and event listeners, for example.
class SuperCat {
constructor(name, belly) { = name;
this.belly = belly;
superMethod() {
// Without '=>' this would refer to the belly
this.belly.addEventListener('pet', () => this.purrFunction());
purrFunction() {
// Now it refers to the new object = 'Purring ' +;
And that's it for my cat (who's sleeping loudly). Thank you for reading, sorry for being completely unprofessional!